My Dad is known by many around the world through his testimony and ministry to Muslims and Jews. Through Hope for Ishmael, he has reached thousands with the message of peace through Jesus Christ. He has an incredible story of victory from the shackels of hate, anger and destruction. Although his ministry is incredible, that's not what makes him a hero in my eyes.
Dad took the place of a father to me at a very young age. So young that I can't even remember. Growing up I had no clue that he was not my birth father until I accidentally stumbled upon this truth as a young married man at the age of 22. While I was shocked and confused, a deeper respect grew in my heart for my father. While he was not the father that created me physically, he was the man that helped create my passions, he instilled in me a character to strive to be the best that I could be. He would be the first to tell me he failed in many areas, but even then, I learned what it meant to be a humble man and admit failures and move on.
Most importantly, he taught me about unconditional love. Through his unconditional love that he showed this small boy, he displayed to me what the love of God truly means. Adopting a fatherless child because he loved me. He raised me as his own, with no thought of telling me that he was not my father because he never considered that the truth. I was his son. He gave me a childhood with a father. Much the same as Christ shed His blood so that I could be adopted into the family of God.
My Dad is a hero for the complete surrender to God that he has. Forsaking all that he had with his muslim family, to serve the living God which is his reasonable service. He's dodged bullets in Iraq, he's been spit upon by muslim clerics, chastised by his culture, and cut off from his family. My Dad is the true Indiana Jones that every man longs to be.
Happy Father's Day Dad! Thanks for being my pops!!!
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