In the hustle and bustle of the move this week, I haven't had a chance to post anything about our service this past Sunday. Every once in a while we like to have a choir join the praise team on the stage. I think the last time we did it was on December 11, 2005 and had a LOT of positive feedback from folks in the church. It's always nice to do something different, to sort of mix it up a bit. Four years ago we were on the opposite side of the spectrum. We had a choir every week and once in a blue moon we would do a band with just a couple singers. We had a LOT of positive feedback on those Sundays. If you're stuck in a rut and want to do something different, try one or the other some Sunday. Anybody out there anti/pro/neutral or just plain don't care about choirs in your worship services? I'd be curious to know the pluses and minuses from your perspectives.
Here's a pic from our last Sunday at Blue Valley. Great job choir folks!
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