We've got some great vocalists on our team who invest so much time and effort into making the worship experience at Grace a great place to connect with God. Gina has been on the team now since 2003. While Gina has some awesome pipes and can pick out harmonies like nobody's business, there are more important qualities that make her a joy to minister with on the worship team.
Typical artist types can be a little difficult to work with. We're a mold that has to fight our natural tendencies to be late, become melancholy about life, run on emotional highs and lows or even at times get the diva mentality. These are problems I don't have to deal with because of the hearts and faithfulness of the team. And Gina is a leader in this arena. Her "can do" spirit and faithfulness to making the worship excellent are an extreme blessing both to our team and to me personally. Whether she's singing a lead, or singing a small background part...it doesn't matter. She "gets it" that she's part of a team and gives whatever role she's playing 100%. It's been awesome seeing her grow comfortably into the role of a lead worshipper onstage and being a consistent voice and leader in the area of worship at Grace Church. Thanks Gina for being a part of the team and being such a faithful servant and follower of Christ. Gina is one more reason why I love serving with the team of people on the WST every week.
So when you see Gina...tell her she's SUPER COOL!
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