Yeahhh...I um, broke the GraceLink eNewsletter last week. This is what happens when a worship guy who may have some creative abilities is put in charge of the web stuff on staff at the church. While my intention of cleaning up stuff in our web files was a good gesture, I somehow unintentionally not broke...but completely discarded the entire eNews file. That means all 300 some subscribers were deleted along with the previous eNewsletters. It also meant rebuilding the newsletter.
What I ended up having to do was recreate a subscriber list using our church database adding all who were in the status "Attendee and Member". It was great news that I had the ability to do this...however, it meant that there were going to be people who may not necessarily want the newsletter. I figured it was easier to ask them to "unsubscribe" than go around asking people to once again sign up. Plus, I may have actually hit folks who may not have realized it even existed. Anywho...
If you were once a subscriber and suddenly haven't received anything for more than a week, you can resubscribe here. If you still have trouble, be sure to shoot an email to [email protected] and we'll get you set up.
Now..what else can I break? Stay tuned...I'm sure I can find something.
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