Here are the figurines the wonderfully "kid friendly" McDonalds are currently passing out to girls in their Happy Meals. Let me introduce you to the little skaters my daughter enjoys. Let me just say that each time I visit McDonalds, these little dealios go straight to the trash (after a picture of course)...thankfully there are so many toys in their lives that they don't even miss them.
I've been reading an excellent book that was lent to me by my good
friend Jason. It's called "Strong Fathers, Strong Daughters:10 Secrets Every Father Should Know" by Meg Meeker. I'm amazed at how the battle for my girls has been waged at such a young age. Companies like McDonald's doesn't help us father's with crap like this (yes I said that word...sorry if it's a cuss word in your house). Father's must be engaged in the fight...because whether you want to believe it or not...they're being attacked. Check out Tim's post about this subject here.
To the McDonald's folks...PLEASE stop putting these underdressed, nasty looking little skater girls in the Happy Meals.
Leave a comment if you're sick of horrible McDonald's toys for girls.
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