This past Sunday between services our stage director was made aware by someone in the congregation that Tim's glasses were a bit dirty, smudgy and dusty. "What's the big deal?" you may ask. While it may not sound important, the fact that one person was distracted from the message because of dirty glasses means there had to be other folks with the same issue. But really the story for me isn't the dirty glasses, it's the fact that someone had Tim's back in letting him know.
What's it mean to have the back of your pastor on Sundays? It means making sure he's on time. It means making sure his microphone is set up and working. It means he's got the podium in place when he steps out onto the stage. It means making sure all of those seemingly insignificant needs are met and taken care of so he can focus on what God's called him to do...preach the gospel so others can come to know Christ. This is a core value on our Weekend Service Team that I've hardly ever mentioned to our team members. It's just the kind of people they are.
I need a "fly checker" on my team...or someone who will have the guts to tell me there is green stuff on my teeth. Thankfully I've got several of those every weekend.
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