This morning our worship team got together for some donuts and a little vision casting. I'm a believer in the power of communication for teams, hence the WST blog, this blog and other sources. While these are great tools, nothing beats the power of a face to face every now and then. Here are some of the things we had a chance to talk about...
- Celebration - I've been keeping notes and comments from Connect Cards received during the weekends. It would be selfish of me to just keep these to myself so I pulled a few out to share with the team like this one.
- 2007 Review - Looked at what major things happened for our worship team this past year. Things like professed salvations, baptisms, new worship team members etc.
- 2008 Focus - We've got some major things happening this year. With an anticipated third service on the horizon, we'll be making some moves this year to prep our worship team for whatever time is decided upon.
- PlanningCenterOnline Training - Walked through some of the tools offered on the site.
It was good for our team to refresh ourselves on why we do what we do. It was good for all of us to actually be in the same room without instruments in front of us. I'm looking forward to 2008 and can't wait to see how God uses our team. Thanks to the team for taking two hours out of your weekend to catch up!
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