Over the past week I've taken time devoted to creating a bit of space in my life. Spending time away from both blogging, Facebook, Twitter and worship leading in order to give myself a chance to rest. It's been a good exercise for me. I knew this post was coming....and I knew it wouldn't be accurate if I didn't experience it for myself.
Make Some White Space
It happens. It catches many of us off guard if we aren't aware of it. Fatigue and burnout are the greatest enemies to anyone involved in doing something they enjoy. You may be saying, "Really Ben, the GREATEST enemy?" When we become fatigued, our guard is down. We begin to lose focus on why we invest in the mission we're called to and we begin finding ourselves in situations that ultimately lead to sin. We also begin to experience problems in our relationships with the people we love the most. Recently I made a decision to create that "White Space" in my life weekly in order to protect my family, myself and the ministry God's called me to lead.
Since this is a series devoted to "Worship Leading Lessons", these thoughts are specific to the role of worship leaders and team members. But in reality, this is a principle I believe everyone needs in order to strengthen their walk with Christ.
In the role of helping connect people to Christ through corporate worship each week, I've discovered that it's extremely important that I spend personal time worshiping God. Carving away an hour completely devoted to reflecting on what God's been doing in my life personally and in ministry, thanking Him and silencing the noise around me to give complete attention to personal reflection. A tip I picked up from a fellow worship leader (can't remember where I got this from so consider this an anonymous Hat Tip if you're reading this). I spend time with my journal devoted to asking these four questions:
- What have been the high points of my week? (personal, ministry, job etc.)
- What have been the low points of my week? (stresses, frustrations etc)
- What is one lesson learned this week? (from scripture, leadership, family etc.)
- What is one action point to take from this week? (conversations, resolution to conflicts etc)
I've also created some white space in my life where my family knows it is given complete and full attention. On my weekly day off Mondays, I committed to letting all phone calls go to voicemail. I turn on my auto reply on email informing folks that I will be replying to them the next day. Everyone in my world knows Mondays are pretty much my disconnect day. Apart from my fellow Grace pastors, I don't return the calls until the next day. This might be considered bold, irresponsible or quite possibly even lazy by some in todays business world. I've determined in the world of full time pastoral ministry, there is a huge need for the health of myself and my family to have this dedicated time. I've tried this now for a couple of months and I think it's been successful....I should let my wife comment on this. A principle I picked up from other pastors and full time ministry folks.
Another way to find that white space is to identify something that helps you recharge. Whether it's going to a movie, playing a video game, taking long walks...whatever....identify what helps you completely disengage from the work and recharges your battery. Don't have a hobby? Get one. Find something. I'm a movie goer. Periodcially I catch a flick with a friend on Sunday evenings.
So to you worship leaders out there, are you spending enough time creating "White Space" in your life? Are you covering your life with too much noise never giving yourself a place to hear from God? Do you spend time reflecting at all on the victories God has given in your life? Are you unwisely devoting so much time to your ministry and work that you aren't anticipating the day your body shuts down due to fatigue? You've got to find that time and make it a priority.
- Check out this great resource by Andy Stanley - Choosing to Cheat
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