On Monday, August 16, Ben and Wisdom will be recording a "Roundtable" session for an upcoming podcast episode.This is our second roundtable since our initial "Manly Worship" back in October, 2009. The topic this time around..."Sr. Pastor and Worship Leader Relationship".
How many of you worship leaders have struggled with your relationship with a "controlling" Sr. Pastor? How many Sr. Pastor's have struggled with your "free spirited" worship leader? The Sr. Pastor/Worship Pastor relationship is extremely important in leading a local church week in and week out. Join us live on Talkshoe as we discuss this how we can work together as a team with some experienced leaders in the local church and worship leading community. Meet our roundtable guests:
Tim Howey. Sr Pastor of Grace Church in Overland Park, KS. Tim and Ben have been working in ministry together for ten years. Visit www.TimHowey.com to learn more about Tim. He will be joining us live from the palatial All About Worship studio. If you're going to talk about a Sr. Pastor and Worship Leader relationship....why not ask a Sr. Pastor to join us? Tim also facilitated a breakout session at the All About Worship Retreat in 2009.
Troy Kennedy. Songwriter/Worship Pastor from Kansas City will be joining us. Troy has taught classes on worship leading ministry in conferences around the nation including the recent National Worship Leader Conference 2009 & 2010 and also at the All About Worship Retreat 2009. Log on to www.NewWorship.com or visit his blog to learn more about Troy.
Fred McKinnon. Songwriter/Worship Leader from St. Simmons Island, GA will be joining the roundtable discussion. With the “Sunday Setlists” and TheWorshipCommunity, Fred has become an influential member of the online worship community. Visit www.FredMcKinnon.com and www.TheWorshipCommunity.com to learn more about Fred.
If you have any thoughts or questions that you would like to see discussed regarding this topic, please drop a comment and we'll try and get to your questions. You can also join us live on Monday on Talkshoe at the link below and discuss with other listeners in the Talkshoe chatroom. The fun begins Monday, August 16 at 10 p.m. EST/ 9p.m. CST. Hope you can join us!
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