Worship services consist of so many ingredients that make a final dish every week that's presentable for consumption (I'm writing this right before lunch...I must be hungry). One important ingredient is the visual aspect of leading worship through the lighting team.
Tom Gonterman has been a part of our lighting team for a few years providing worshipful visual experiences during our services at Grace. It takes patience and time to make a positive experience visually making sure it matches the songs...the video elements and more. While some may assume you can just flick on the lights and slide up the faders...you CAN do that...but that's just the bare minimum. Tom is a perfect example of someone who GETS what it means to lead worship...not just from the stage...but from a seat in the back of the room he points people to our God. I can't thank Tom enough for his love and dedication to serving others in this ministry. When a need arises, he's always willing and goes beyond any laid out expectation for the lighting team.
If you see Tom this week, make sure you tell him he's SUPER COOL!!!!
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