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Leaders are cut one of two ways. They are either leaders who make people do their bidding...or those whom people love to serve. The biggest thing I've learned over time in leadership is understanding the importance of just...being. Being yourself. Being who you are. Not trying to be a carbon copy of some leader from somewhere else (tried it and failed). Leaders, if you want people to get on board, just get to know the people you lead. Not in a "check list" kind of way, but in a way that people understand that you're a human with faults, failures and issues just like everyone else. Let the people know you and take time to know the people you lead. Make this priority and I believe you will accomplish so much more. #babulessons A photo posted by Ben Abu Saada (@babusaada) on Nov 13, 2015 at 1:11pm PST
Leaders are cut one of two ways. They are either leaders who make people do their bidding...or those whom people love to serve. The biggest thing I've learned over time in leadership is understanding the importance of just...being. Being yourself. Being who you are. Not trying to be a carbon copy of some leader from somewhere else (tried it and failed). Leaders, if you want people to get on board, just get to know the people you lead. Not in a "check list" kind of way, but in a way that people understand that you're a human with faults, failures and issues just like everyone else. Let the people know you and take time to know the people you lead. Make this priority and I believe you will accomplish so much more. #babulessons
A photo posted by Ben Abu Saada (@babusaada) on Nov 13, 2015 at 1:11pm PST
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