Blogging lately has taken a back seat to other things going on in my life this week. Maybe y'all have heard but there's this holiday coming up Sunday called Easter. You know...the one where tons of people flock back into churches to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus.
Last year at this time we just had our first service in the new facility on April 2nd, had a full spread on the Grace Church move in the Kansas City Star and were heading into Easter. On April 9 we had 576 people in attendance. One week later, on Easter Sunday, we had 961 people cross through the doors of Grace Church. That was 961 opportunities to share God's love. Currently our attendance is averaging around 800 - 850 which means we've officially doubled since our move into a permanent facility. As you can imagine we're anticipating an opportunity to reach even more people this year.
This is the final mad dash to the finish line of Easter. Tonight we're kicking off the weekend with a special prayer night from 6 - 10 p.m. Anyone is welcome to come between these hours for as long or short as you like. This is an opportunity to pray for the community, pray for your walk, pray for others and pray for everything going on here at Grace this weekend. Don't miss this opportunity.
Saturday from 10 - 12p.m. we will be hosting the second annual Grace Easter Egg Hunt. So what if the temps at 8 a.m. are supposed to be in the teens? It's not supposed to rain! This was a great success last year as people showed up from surrounding neighborhoods and visited the following morning.
Easter Sunday we'll have three services at 8:30, 10 or 11:30 a.m. We've got a skit planned along with some great music to celebrate the resurrection. Our pastor will be coming home from a Nicaragua missions trip the day before so we're praying for his health and stamina to preach three services.
To all you worship leaders out there...I pray your services go smoothly and your church has an awesome time of celebration this week. Easter is probably THE biggest Sunday for our church...even more so than Christmas has been. Our team has been working hard to make Easter special for all in attendance. To all you Gracers out there...hope you enjoy your resurrection Sunday!
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