Wow. It's been over 10 days since I've posted something here on BabuLife. A far cry from my first year of blogging when I felt a day without a post was an utter failure. There's a lot going on in my life personally, spiritually and at Grace. So many things in fact that by the time I've been able to sit down and blog about them...the moment has passed. So here's a quick look at some things spinning around my head and heart:
- Unplugged. Monday I did it. I woke up, sent a note on Twitter & Facebook that I was unplugging for the day. No phone calls. No email. No online communication at all until the kids were in bed. I have to was AWESOME. I think I am going to make it an intentional goal each Monday on my weekly day off to unplug. I didn't even carry my phone with me. Even though there were doubters, I still made it happen. I have determined that I will be making this a priority.
- Quiet. It's been quiet here on the BabuLife blog lately. Trying to figure out what to do here. Might be making some changes in the near future...or pulling the plug for a season.
- All About Worship. My friend Wisdom and I have been able to talk to some very gifted songwriters, performers and worship leaders lately on the AAW Podcast. I'm excited about what's coming up in the near future on the cast. I think God ripped my heart out of my chest last Monday night while interviewing Tommy Walker for an upcoming show. He knows the heart and struggles worship leaders deal with and he was a personal encouragement to me. I think you'll enjoy it in a few weeks. I recently spoke with Bethany Dillon about her life as a musician and her personal story. She's one of my faves. If it all works out...I might have a chance to talk with Christy Nockels of Watermark fame. Her story has been a personal encouragement to my wife and I. I feel extremely blessed to be a part of it!
- Easter. It's coming. Can you feel it? The spring crunch is on!
- Self Discovery. It's been an interesting couple of weeks for me. I've spent some time evaluating myself. Looking at the personal goals set for myself at the start of the year along with some relationship evaluation. Still spinning on this one. I've discovered how important friends are a little more during this time. Still listening for God's voice and direction.
- Twitter. So if you miss catching up with me here on the blog, be sure to check out my Twitter feed. I'm still updating that at least...periodically. Follow me!
- Facebook. Holy cow! Has anyone noticed how this little online tool has exploded in the past six months? Be my friend here and check out the Grace Church group page here.
- Worship Team Planning. Spent an entire day away from the office praying and planning. I want to take our Weekend Service Team to the next level. It's going to take some guts and commitment to excellence from each of our team members. Anxious to see what God does.
- PinkHairedGirl. Last week I visited Westside Family Church out in Lenexa, KS to talk Communications with a fellow blogging/Twitter/Facebook friend, Crystal Renaud. She was extremely kind and gracious in letting me ask all sorts of questions about their Communications processes. I'm always impressed to find that the person on the other side of the computer screen meets every expectation when you see them in person. Thanks Crystal!
- Clone Wars. Final episode of the first season tonight! It's going to be a good one!
- Battlestar Galactica. Final series episode is tonight! Sad to see this show leave. But happy to see it leaving on a high note. My Friday eves will now be free with no Clone Wars or BSG.
Have a great weekend! What's happening in your world?
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